Can LongLine make your gigs more consistent?  Say no to venue DI boxes and use LongLine as a line isolator for a consistent sound from venue to venue.  Buffer your...

Can LongLine make your gigs more consistent? 

  • Say no to venue DI boxes and use LongLine as a line isolator for a consistent sound from venue to venue. 
  • Buffer your pedalboard outputs with LongLines high headroom stereo buffers
  • Get rid of phase cancellation between amp sims and amps with the 180° pushbutton
  • No more ground lifts across ALL of LongLines outputs with the ground lift pushbutton
  • Switch easily between real tube amps and amp sims without changing your pedalboard! 
  • Easily run mono, dual mono and stereo across XLR and 1/4" outputs

LongLine Outputs

Both the XLR outputs and 1/4" outputs are mirrored.  The left input will send to both left 1/4" and left XLR outputs. Same goes for the right input and outputs. 

This also means the sum push button will work across all outputs (XLR and 1/4"). 

The XLR outputs on LongLine can be used for whatever you need.  Send them to a sound desk or DAW and/or to RCV (another Goodwood product) to allow you to run 1 or 2 tube amps up to 300 feet away in an iso booth.  

The XLR outputs on LongLine are phantom power protected.  No need to worry about damaging products on your pedalboard due to 48V down your XLR lines by mistake.  


RCV is a passive box designed to receive balanced signal from LongLine via its XLR jacks.  It can receive 1 or 2 XLR signals from LongLine and convert it to unbalanced 1/4" outputs so you can plug your signal directly into your amp(s).  It is designed to work with a stereo / dual mono signal (sending to two amps) or a mono signal (sending to one amp) and is completely passive (no power required for RCV). 

Run a short cable from RCVs 1/4" outs to your amp inputs. 


LongLine comes with stereo to mono summing, but not like you've seen it done from other brands.  This is how you can use LongLine.  

  1. Run stereo into LongLines Left and Right inputs and stereo out of both XLR and 1/4" outputs at the same time.  Use whatever outputs seem best to you.  
  2. Run stereo into LongLine, hit the sum pushbutton and now all 4 outputs (1/4" and XLR) are running in dual mono 
  3. Use LongLine as a 2 channel line mixer.  The Left and Right inputs can mix signals from 2 different sources and send those signals out of all 4 outputs 
  4. Run signal to the Left input only.  Send that signal to all 4 outputs.  

You can also use LongLine as two independent mono line drivers and splitters.  The Left in will send to the left XLR and 1/4" out - this is line one. 
Send a totally different signal to the right in and outputs.  This is line 2.  

The cross talk specs on LongLine are so good that you can use it this way without issue.  

Ground Lift & Phase Correction

LongLine comes standard with ground lift and phase on all 4 outputs.  This means the ground lift and phase push buttons will work on both the XLR and 1/4" outputs at the same time!

  1. Ground Lift – A ground loop is never a welcome sound - a loud buzz when two outputs are being used at certain venues - but it doesn't have to waste your time.  Simply push the black pushbutton in on LongLine and the ground loop will be eliminated across all outputs! 
  2. Phase Correction – When using multiple amps or amp sims it is possible that the outputs being used are out of phase with each other - basically they are cancelling frequencies out between the two amps.  Not good.  Correct this easily by pushing the red pushbutton in - inverting the phase on one amp by 180 degrees.  
    As an example this means you can run UA Dream and Ruby without phase issues. Fixed!

Want more info? Check out the MANUAL

All LongLines are made with high quality, durable components.

Power: 9vDC centre negative, 2.1mm, 75mA current draw. LongLine needs to be powered to work.

LongLine dimensions: 120mm x 94mm x 34mm

Input Impedance (Left In, Right In): 1Meg
Output Impedance (1/4" Outputs): Very Low
Output Impedance (XLR Outputs): Very Low

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