In this paid call, Grant will take time to understand your current board, signal routing and the problems you want to solve. You will get a 45 minute phone call followed up by an interactive google doc with all notes pertaining to your specific rig and the content discussed on the call.
This is a great option if you are needing advice from Grant, the owner of Goodwood Audio, on your pedalboard, the materials you'll need and the best way forward to put this rig together yourself!
Within 30 days of the call, if you decide it would be better to get Goodwood Audio to set up your board for you the full fee will be credited towards your custom setup.
This call is designed to dive deep into the details of your board. It is not designed to get you a quote but rather give you all the info you need to build your pedalboard yourself and get it right the first time!
See link below to book this consult for $119USD.