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Use Audition to seamlessly audition a pedal in your signal chain or insert your amps FX loop without re-patching your pedalboard.      Since rewiring your pedal board is not something...
Patch Bay Interface TOP Ground Lift Phase Junction Side

The TX Interfacer

Input and output buffers. Two types of summing. Master mute. Tuner send. Isolation.  Summing The TX Interfacer has two types of summing: Stereo Sum and Split Sum. To access these...
The TX Underfacer The TX Underfacer

The TX Underfacer

The TX Underfacer is like The TX Interfacer but designed to go under an angled pedal board.  Use Underfacer to take care of all your input, muting, tuning, summing, isolating...
Lift - Adjustable Pedal Riser Lift - Adjustable Pedal Riser

Lift - Adjustable Pedal Riser

All sizes now available from USA, Canada and Australian locations!  Up until this point, LIFT has shipped as a 12" wide, fully adjustable pedal riser.  Now we are also offering...
4 Way Buffered Splitter - Custom Junction 4 Way Buffered Splitter - Custom Junction
allCustom Junction List

4 Way Buffered Splitter - Custom Junction

Split your guitar signal to up to 4 outputs with high headroom, low output impedance buffers!   Custom Pedals like this one are built to order and therefore come with a...
allCustom Junction List

Buzzkill - Transformer Isolation

Get rid of ground loops and phase issues between amps with this totally passive transformer in a box!  When is Buzzkill useful?   If you run more than one unbalanced output...
LongLine LongLine


Can LongLine make your gigs more consistent?  Say no to venue DI boxes and use LongLine as a line isolator for a consistent sound from venue to venue.  Buffer your...
3 Channel Stereo Line Mixer 3 Channel Stereo Line Mixer
allCustom Junction List

3 Channel Stereo Line Mixer

Mix up to 3 stereo effects in parallel with a separate dry through!    Custom Pedals like this one are built to order and therefore come with a lead time after...


Who will benefit from RCV?  If you want to crank your tube amps but not have a sound engineer tell you to turn down, RCV is for you.  Anyone that...
TS (Mono) Patch Cable Designer TS (Mono) Patch Cable Designer
allCable Designer

TS (Mono) Patch Cable Designer

Do you want the best cables for your board? Use our pedalboard patch cable builder to get all the unique cables you need to setup your various guitar pedals.  All you...
Wet Dry Wet - Custom Junction Wet Dry Wet - Custom Junction
allCustom Junction List

Wet Dry Wet - Custom Junction

Run your pedalboard in Mono, Dual Mono, Stereo, 4CM, 5CM, Wet Dry or Wet Dry Wet.  All without re-patching.   Magic?  Possibly. Custom Pedals like this one are built to order...
True Bypass Looper Patch Cable Kit Low Profile Soldered Patch Cables for Looper
allCable Designer

Looper Cable Kits

Get rid of those solder-less patch cables that have never really worked properly, and grab yourself something you can rely on. If you're someone that uses a true bypass strip...
Custom DC Cable 2.1mm DC Power Cable Designer
allCable Designer

DC Power Cable Designer

Tired of fixed length DC cables that are either too long, too short or don’t suit your guitar pedals unique connection requirements?   Giving your pedal board the correct power requires...